Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Food and the Environment

I have to be honest, i do not consider the environmental impact of food that I eat. For the most part I consider only whats closest, easiest and cheapest. When i do go to the grocery store i definitely do not buy organic food or vegetables because they are the most expensive. In the morning I have coffee and a random sort of pastry that I am sure has a larger carbon footprint than a mack truck, afternoon i go to subway or boxed lunch where they give you more packaging than you could possibly need and at night i ussually cook food from the local giant-meat from slaughterhouses and farmed fish.

Looking at it now it feels like a terrible way to do things, knowing that how i operate is unsustainable. However, it is convienent and cheap and i am a college student in a city-those are the two most important points.

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