Monday, October 6, 2008

I do keep the environment in mind when I make food choices, but probably not to the greatest extent that I could. I'm a vegetarian for a multitude of reasons, one of which is the environmental impact of factory farming. When I grocery shop, I buy organic dairy, and produce if it's available at whatever grocery store I'm at that week. By no stretch of the imagination do I try to buy all organic, because there's no way I could afford to do so. And I'll admit, I've never bought local foods the whole time I've lived in DC (when I lived my family in PA, we did buy a lot of Amish produce, but when I'm on my own, I don't). It does cross my mind that my food has probably traveled the world more than I have. I should probably start trying to increase the amount of local and organic food that I buy.

I'm not really sure how to judge which of my food items has the greatest environmental impact. One of the articles we read talked about the sheer inefficiency of cereal production, so my Cheerios or Pop Tarts are probably pretty bad. I'm pretty sure that my Pop Tarts also have high fructose corn syrup in them, so that ties in perfectly with the environmental problems caused by midwestern corn farms. Or maybe my frozen dinner (not sure) or my coffee, because that had to travel very far to get to me. Not positive, but I'm sure they're all pretty bad.

I think if there's one thing I should do more of , it would definitely be buying local organic foods, especially produce, more often. My family used to do it because 1. things are fresher 2. things are (sometimes) cheaper 3. it supports the local community and 4. you know who grows your food.

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