Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I found it pretty difficult to bring up environmental issues at Thanksgiving because the conversation didn't head anywhere near global issues (except for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai) and this year, no one was really fighting I didn't want to ruin a good thing! Anyway, I found my chance later in the night, when my little sister was telling me that I need to eat meat to get some protein and iron. After telling her for the 100th time that I have energy and that my iron is high enough to give blood, I realized I now how a perfect opportunity to talk about the environment.

So I turned our conversation to industrial farming. I tried my best to get a discuss going, but she just kept nodding her head and saying.. "well..... i like meat..... it's good for you." I even tried the bit about methane gas from cow excrement polluting the air. It pretty much fell on deaf ears. My sister actually kind of makes fun of my mom because she is 100% insistent that our family use all organic cleaning products and reusable grocery bags. I'm always standing up for my mom in this case, because I don't think those things are a waste of money/energy, like my sister and dad. Long story short, my attempt to start a conversation about it kind of went badly, because my sister really didn't want to discuss it.

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