Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The article reminded me of one of my favorite quotes "anything easy ain't worth a damn."
This genuine pearl of wisdom was bestowed to us by the legendary Ohio State football coach, Woody Hayes. Reflecting on what Woody had to say about football, it is easy to apply his rationale to virtually all aspects of life. The things that mean the most to us are those things that we have worked hard to achieve, those things that we have sacrificed for are the very things that are most valuable. The children's author Antione de Saint-Exuperey echoed this sentiment in his classic book The Little Prince saying "It is the time that you have wasted for your Rose that makes your Rose so important."

Carrying on in the tradition of these two great, and very different men, the same can be said for environmental change. If working for environmental change is something that we must sacrifice for and waste our time, energy, and even our money for, that will make the results, the fruits of our labor, that much sweeter to us. Looking back, our children will scoff at the idea that many people during our time truly believed that we could reverse environmental degradation by simply turning off the lights when we leave a room. The "lazy environmentalist" approach as illustrated in the article is exposed as just plain naive.

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