Monday, September 29, 2008

When people refer to technology as providing the potential to overcome our environmental issues, people are more often than not referring to means by which we can produce and use energy more efficiently from cleaner and less environmentally harmful forces. By harnessing the power of human innovation and technological progress, we have the potential to develop new ways to create the energy that we need in order to survive. By investing our time and resources in producing environmentally friendly energy sources, we can free ourselves up to tackle some of the other burdens of our environmental footprint.

However, technological advance doesn't always have to focus on the production side of our economic activity. Our advances can have the potential to also revolutionize the way in which we use our environmental sinks. Advances can lead to better, more efficient recycling of materials and more environmentally friendly manners of disposing of our waste.

I personally do not see a vision of the technological future to be like the Jetson Analogy used in class. I foresee our technology allowing us to better, more efficiently use the resources that the planet has for us to provide for a better quality of life for all peoples of the world, not just those who live in the developed world.

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